This is what some great people said about love.You might not have heard about them. They are great because they are my friends...
Swati(my sis): A complex feeling that makes us do silly things.
Kirti(cousin): Love is when i complete a project and exclaim how perfect it was.Love is what i feel towards those who are perfect in their fields.Love is what i feel for my best friends.Love is what i feel for myself when i realise how talented i have been without being acknowledged.
Cheena: Love cannot be defined and i don't know what love is.
Uday: Its a natural feeling required at every stage of life.
Payal: Love is everything that everyone wants and expects from others.
Meenal: Love makes your life Beautiful, be it your friends , partner , parents , pets , its a positive feeling. But when it hurts , it can be the worst. And if someone is not in love , he is missing so much in life.
Dr. Satya: I know no definition of 'love' but have lived my whole life with it. For of love is like water , so pure , so life giving! And just like water , it takes the shape of the vessel in which it is kept i.e. relations.
Anupam: Love is like always having melted chocolate in your mouth , always being high without getting drunk , feeling the power to destroy everything that comes as an obstacle , smiling without reason in any condition. Love is like living in heaven.
Abhilasha: Love cannot be defined through words. It is just a four letter word but has such depth that words cannot define it. But it is probably the most wonderful experience anyone can ever have.
Meenal: Love? I am feeling sleepy.
Shashvat: Love cant be defined through words. Its a feeling within.
Ankita: love is when someone breaks your heart and the most amazing thing is that you still love them with every broken piece.
Aditi: Love is a feeling. It cannot be expressed through words. It is just a feeling felt by two people silently.
Ashish: Love is lust
Aditi: For me its a deep feeling for someone. In love , don't expect anything from your love because its unconditional and in love , you always want to see your love happy always. And when two hearts fall in love deeply , they become soul mates.
Gudiya: Its so hard to think about love.
This is what my friends think about love. What do you think. Do leave your ideas and comments .