Romeo: In the midst of the dark night
i lay alone on the earth's bed
across my mind; a thought of thee
and the lonely hours seem so sad!
Wilt thou not call me tonight?
Wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
does my love not appear at all
do thou not know i need thee by my side?
(As Romeo continues to talk in loneliness,
the phone rings)
Here calls my love , oh god!
did she just hear of my feeling?
Is it one of thy thousand miracles
That thee made her hear my heart beating?
(And with a broad smile Romeo takes the call)
Oh Good eveining beautiful Juliet!
Juliet: Eh Romeo! how art thou tonight , Romeo?
Romeo: Complete now!
Juliet: ??? I never understand thee...
Romeo: I wish thou could.
Ah! but what makes thou awake so late tonight?
Juliet: I had a word from a friend
that thou write a blog very sweet!
disappointed was i to hearit from others
I should have heard it from thee indeed!
Romeo: Oh! nothing so special, is what i write
Just some feelings that unfold
feelings concealed in my heart
feeling until today that i hold!
Juliet: Let me read all and call you,
Romeo: Oh god! my love reads those poems
and soon she shall now be known
the love i have deep inside for her
since forever has it so grown!
(waits there Romeo for his love's call)
(soon enough does Juliet call and Romeo answers
in desperation)
Juliet: What shall i say to thee , oh Romeo
i have no single word
thou have been loving me so long
didn't thou feel no hurt!
Romeo: hurt are those who have no one
to whom their love they might give
I have 'thee' to love forever
thou art the reason that i live
Juliet: Oh Romeo!why do thou love me so much
when thou know i don't love thee
move ahead , thou shall get
a thousand girls better than me
Romeo: Oh lord! my love says move ahead
how could this ever be
can the stars stop shining in the night
can the river stop flowing to the sea?
Juliet: I heartly respect thy feelings , Romeo
but tell me , doesn't it bother
To know that thy lover is engaged
and thou might not have her ever?
(Smiles Romeo)
Romeo: thou are not mine in this lifetime
but my love for thee can die never
it will remain for the lifetimes to come
even after the end of forever!
(a tear drops from Juliet's eye and she
hangs up the phone becoming speechless.
Romeo smiles ...
they never talk again...
And Romeo continues to love her...)